Quyền tự do cư trú của công dân với vấn đề di dân tự do


  • Sơn Đỗ Quang


immigration, free migration and residence


Free migration is an objective phenomenon in the economic development process with the socio-economic restructuring. Free migration has positive and negative impacts on society. In recent years, the wave of migration to some very strong provinces and cities has posed harsh economic and social problems. Addressing the issue of free migration in relation to ensuring citizens' freedom of residence is a very complex issue that needs to be properly and resolutely addressed

Author Biography

Sơn Đỗ Quang

Tiến sĩ Trường Đại học Nam Cần Thơ



How to Cite

Đỗ Quang, S. (2020). Quyền tự do cư trú của công dân với vấn đề di dân tự do. Journal of Science and Development Economics, (8), 115–122. Retrieved from https://jsde.nctu.edu.vn/jsde/article/view/121