Nghiên cứu sự phát triển của Chatbot 10 năm trở lại đây


  • Thiện Nhơn Nguyễn
  • Văn Hiển Phạm


chatbot, chatbot architeture, technical chatbot


In the rapid development era of the industrialization and modernization Internet is gradually becoming popular and an indispensable part of our life. There are many new technologies born to help people manage their work effectively and economically. Chatbot was born based on a combination with Artificial Intelligence (AI) and be able to present images, sounds and voices to interact with humans. Chatbot has become more popular in recent years because they reduce customer service costs and can handle multiple users simultaneously. Chatbot can replace people’s role in making sales orders, paying bills, consulting customers, diagnosing diseases, etc, but Chatbot needs to be as efficient as possible to complete many other tasks . Chatbot is created in form of machine learning methods. The article introduces the development history of Chatbot technology. It's structure, components and changes in recent years give readers an overview of the development, advantages and disadvantages of this technology.

Author Biographies

Thiện Nhơn Nguyễn

Giảng viên Khoa Kỹ thuật - Công nghệ Trường Đại học Nam Cần Thơ

Văn Hiển Phạm

Sinh viên Khoa Kỹ thuật - Công nghệ Trường Đại học Nam Cần Thơ



How to Cite

Nguyễn, T. N., & Phạm, V. H. (2021). Nghiên cứu sự phát triển của Chatbot 10 năm trở lại đây. Journal of Science and Development Economics, (12), 51–66. Retrieved from